Friday, October 19, 2012

Page 2 - Mailbox

I have finished my second page of my quiet book. It is a useable mailbox with readable letters. I started just like I started the first page. I measured and glued the felt to the fabric page. I printed out the template from the document I designed originally in Word. I then cut the felt mailbox and sewed it to my page. I sewed the blue back of the mailbox on first and then sewed the three sides of the mailbox front to create a pocket for the removeable letters. I sewed the front of the mailbox only on the bottom so Ayven can "open" the mailbox.
I also two designed letters to fit into the mailbox. They are both closed with velcro to go into the mailbox. One, I stuffed with felt to make it thicker, and the other I did not. I recommend putting felt in the letter to thicken them up a little bit. I added felt grass at the bottom of the mailbox post just for a little more detail.
I used a grommet and pin to add the felt flag (two pieces of felt to make it thicker) to the mailbox. The flag is moveable with the grommet and pin.
I turned the two pages (front side in) on each other and then sewed the top, bottom and outside (not the side to be binded) together. Then turned the pages right side out.
The only thing that I didn't realize when I was putting this page together was that this would be the back page. The grommets for the page will be on the right side, not the left. I was lucky that I still have enough room for the grommets. I will definitely keep this in mind when I do the rest of my book. NOTE: Some of the pictures were taken before I added the flag. The flag, hopefully, is not easliy removeable.

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